Eileen Herbert is an actor, screenwriter, and cheese enthusiast living in Los Angeles, California. She is a graduate of Yvonne Suhor’s Art’s Sake Acting Studio. She studied sketch writing with Kevin McDonald of Kids in the Hall and has a Master’s degree in Screenwriting from City, University of London, where her professors described her writing as “very American”.

She has lived on all four corners of the United States: Maine, Florida, Alaska, and California.

She owns every William Powell comedy in existence.

She stood next to Peter Capaldi on the Tube once.

She almost died at the Vatican.

She has been to 14 countries.

Her nickname in high school was “Biscuit Hoe”.

She has a signed picture of the Nacho Man.

To read Eileen’s blog about her adventures moving to and living in England, head over to An American Bookworm in London.